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The Indian Printing Packaging & Allied Machinery Manufacturers’ Association (IPAMA) had announced the dates of 16th PRINTPACK INDIA Exhibition which will be organised at India Expo Centre, Greater Noida, NCR Delhi from February 01-05, 2023.
IPAMA had reserved all the available Exhibition ground floor Halls of India Expo Centre, having 51,000 Square Meters of gross space. Within two months from the date of announcement of the Exhibition, till date 351 Companies have already reserved their space by depositing the token amount of Rs.25,000/-. The total useable space (Net area) of the Halls on the ground floor works out to 26,000 Square Meters out of which, as on date, around 21000 Square Meters of space has already been booked by the Exhibitors. Since the stands have not been allotted, the calculation is based on the area taken by the exhibitors in the last edition of PRINTPACK INDIA. Therefore, only 5,000 Square Meters of useable space is available for allotment to the prospective exhibitors. Major players of the industry have either reserved the space or being reserved.
The details of 351 Companies have been uploaded on the Website along with the Priority Numbers. The Priority Numbers are generated on the basis of the Bank Statement, containing the date and time of the receipt of the token amount, duly certified by the Chartered Accountant of the Association. Complete transparency is being observed in generating the Priority Numbers on the basis of which the space will actually be allotted to the Exhibitors ad seriatim in the respective Halls. Keeping in view the practice and convenience of the Exhibitors & the Business Visitors, some of the Halls will be reserved segment-wise. Separate halls have been earmarked for Label, Corrugation, Screen Printing, Paper, Signage & LED and rest of the printing segments including digital, Offset, Packaging and allied products/Machines.
The last date for availing of the Early Bird Discount, Rs. 1600/- Per Sq. Mtr, has also been uploaded on the Website. The special motivational discount, Rs. 1500/- and Rs. 500/- per sq.mtr will be provided to IPAMA Members, as per the existing policy, including the new Members. And at last but not least, membership discounts will also be provided as per the tenure of membership.

Mr. Rakesh Sodhi, President IPAMA said that “IPAMA is striving hard to make PRINTPACK INDIA, a next level exhibition. Our purpose is not make profit from the exhibition, it is only for the benefit of the Indian machine manufacturers who are working hard for the growth and development of the Indian industry, and IPAMA is whole heartedly supporting them.”
The Companies, who have not yet booked space and are interested to participate in the Exhibition can do so by depositing a token amount of Rs.25,000/-. On receipt of the remittances, the Priority Numbers will be generated and communicated to the respective Companies and also simultaneously uploaded on the Website. The space will be allotted on the basis of “First Come First Served” basis.
IPAMA is expecting more than 1,25,000 business visitors to visit the Exhibition. The last edition of this Show was visited by 1,03,412 business visitors which provided an unmatched platform for execution business transactions.